The simple things that make you smile…
Spontaneous acts that make you laugh~
The distance even just for a few steps that aches the heart…
May you be blessed with happiness~
The simple things that make you smile…
Spontaneous acts that make you laugh~
The distance even just for a few steps that aches the heart…
May you be blessed with happiness~
Posted by
5:44 PM
Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Mohon Kemaafan dan Keampunan atas segala salah silap dan terkasar bahasa
Semoga Allah mencurahkan rahmat kepada hamba nya yang sentiasa mengingati nya
~Salam Aidilfitri Tulus Ikhlas dari jobe~
Posted by
10:35 PM
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now… wish right now… wish right now~~
We could pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars~
I could really use a wish right now~ wish right now~ wish right now~~
Posted by
8:57 AM
My daughter goes to kindergarten, and there is a boy there who is blind.
She didn't understand what this meant, so I explained.
The next day when I picked her up, I found her sitting across from the boy with her eyes closed, describing what trees looked like.
The boy was grinning from ear to ear.
I am a third grade teacher.
Most kids come in with notes or messages written by their mothers in their lunch sacks.
One little girl's dad left, and her mother abuses drugs. But her 12 year old brother never fails to write "I love you" on her brown paper bag.I am a teacher for second graders.
This past week we've been learning about facts and opinions.
I said the statement "You are beautiful." A little girl raised her hand and said it was a fact.
When I told her no she said, "Everybody is beautiful. No matter what, they are beautiful."A young boy walked proudly into the restaurant that i wait tables on with his grandmother, ordered two seats and clumsily carried his grandmothers purse for her to their table.
When i asked him what the special occasion was, he smiled and said "it's my grandma's birthday and since grandpa is in heaven, I'm her date!"
Kids Give Me Hope
Posted by
9:53 PM
Bila kau menghilang~
Musnahlah, musnah impian~
Tuk menggapai bintang~
Terangi hidup ku~
Ku mahu kau tahu~
Engkaulah destinasi ku~
Dalam ingatan ku~
Posted by
12:26 PM
Another good night of football at JP. Except for the injuries we picked up, it was a fun night out to forget our troubles just for a little while.
Macam setahai kami main pakai training bibs and we looked like we were training for a national competition. Main pun steady jua lah ehehe.
New technique was learned. We call it the Hanif ball shield.
Btw next time hopefully the Manggis Brothers will be back in action coz we really need to bolster our defence.
Posted by
10:51 PM
Alhamdulillah another great opportunity for the family and cuzzies to get together for prayers, good food and good laughter.
We got a chance to learn and experiment with a few games for a possible game night.
Dani took us through some basic techniques used in charades and we had a few good guesses.
We also tried playing the guessing table game from “Inglorious Basterds” where you write a name of a character on a piece of paper and pass it to the next person. The person without looking at the paper will stick it on his/her forehead and try to guess his/her identity by asking questions.
Overall it was a fun night out and hopefully will continue to bring the family together.
Alhamdulillah Syukur…
~Luv jobe~
Posted by
12:20 AM
InsyAllah malam ani dengan izin Allah S.W.T jua, mudahan kita dapat menunaikan ibadah terawih dengan penuh dan sempurna.
Banyakkan berdoa kerana kami hanya mampu berserah pada Allah. Ia saja yang maha berkuasa memberi kesenangan hati dan kelapangan jiwa jadi sentiasa lah mencari peluang untuk menerima ke redhaan nya. Amin~
Berserah dan Redha sentiasa InsyAllah… semoga segala perasaan ke sulitan d hati di beri petunjuk dan jalan keluar Amin~
Semoga ibadah Ramadhan di terima amin~
Posted by
4:44 PM
*Updated highlights*
DibaNabaWaff…Bill~ every body… ^^
Last night after terawih the boys got together again to blow off some steam with our planned weekly JP football outing.
This time three imports joined the lineup, cuzzies of hanif’s. Sekalinya nada lagi the ‘no contact’ rules bah. Everyone was rujuh sana rujuh sini. It was packed that nite but was an awesome game.
Some highlights:
DibaNabaWaff…Bill~ was born.
Everyone’s fitness level was a marked improvement from the last few weeks.
Hanif showed mad Mascherano skills in bodychecks and ball winning skills.
The game lasted till 10.30 plus…
Own goal from Zay…
Brotherly bonding between the Pg Hj Ismail boys…
Agueerroooo….. before bula lari….
Anyone else wanna try Burger Penyet?
Azri screamed and posed like a sissy as the ball came flying past him from a long ball pass. **how could i leave this moment out ^^**
Hopefully we can sustain our weekly activities and develop ourselves in the process.
After Raya we should all bring the family out for a JP Dancing Fountain show. Be immersed in the beauty and tranquil of the past.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah berpuasa dan menyambut bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak
Posted by
3:01 PM
How beautiful is that moon last night… despite it being heavy clouds, ready to drop its heavy droplets on this brown earth, the clouds paid respect to the moon to shine through :)…
There was a star or two who stole a peek here and there ^^ looking down at what the lonely figure was so fascinated by. He doesn’t understand yet he puts faith… He doesn’t see it yet he puts belief in it… he barely holds it together yet terpaksa redha dengan sebaiknya… for there is no other comfort…
Semoga Ramadhan ini akan menghilangkan keresahan hati dan memberi kesabaran pada yang sangat memerlukannya. Amin~
Selamat beribadah puasa
Posted by
2:44 PM
Sick of being “just a friend”~
Sick of being “like a brother” to you~
Sick of being a temporary stop while you wait for him to entertain you~
Sick of seeing how more easily he gains a reaction out of you~
Why the hell can’t I just be sick of loving you??!
F%$#ing idiot of a heart ~jobe~
Posted by
12:09 PM
Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
And the way you look tonight~
Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight~
With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart...
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart~~
~Luv jobe~
Posted by
2:29 AM
Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi
Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik
Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal putus asa
Jangan menyerah
Selamat beribadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan
~~luv jobe~~
Posted by
10:12 PM
…..Malam terjaga penuh harapan~
.….hanya mungkin menjadi nyata~
Hanya mungkin menjadi nyata~
…..hanya mungkin menjadi nyata~
…..Wahai dunia~
…..Bayangkan hidup~
…..Dengan cabaran~
…..Mencari erti kesempurnaan~
…..Hanya mungkin menjadi nyata~
Selamat beribadah puasa dan Ramadhan
~Love jobe~
Posted by
5:19 PM
Bulan Ramadhan Tiba
Selamat menyambut Bulan Ramadhan dan menunaikan ibadah puasa. Semoga segala amal ibadah di terima dan di berkati dan di rahmati Allah S.W.T amin amin ya rabbal alamin~
~luv jobe~
Posted by
6:08 PM
Lama berabis tani nada men-update blog ani… dunno y I feel like updating it. Let’s take a stroll down "’What sa been appenin’’ road now shall we….
Our beloved cuzzies and brothers Azri and Zayani have both successfully graduated and returned home safely to us. A hearty congratulations to them both and I pray your venture into the working world will be a blessed one amin~
Dani and Afiq got a taste of the working world, diving straight into the banking industry. ^^ Well done lads~
We (the boys) set up a weekly thing in an attempt to get active (baru jua 2 weeks ehehe). JP was the chosen venue and it was an almost perfect set up. First football game we organised and everyone was ampar nak mampos within 7 minutes!! cawi eh… Adding insult to injury kena chelen lagi tu oleh group budak2… nampak easy target kah tani ne?? na pa give us 3 months brothers, we’ll reach our glory! ^^
The other activity was the bumper cars in JP. It’s really enjoyable to relive the old days and just get a lil competitive bumping around :p Apa lagi ganging up on victims ehehe
‘Suara Harapan’ by A Band Once is currently the official song coz its darn addictive.
Eggs Florentine is Awesome!!! (try Fleur De Lys)
We did not get to watch Despicable Me together :( coz no one wanted to strain their necks (only available seats were in front sekali).
Hanif bought F50!!! macam messi bah ia main scoring a goal in the process… training d tanah lapang kali ia tiap hari ^^
Nike Free Running is awesome, comfy and stylo… 3.0 for more of a barefoot feel, while go for the latest 5.0 ones for more foot support.
World Cup 2010 was a shocker for the most part. Certainly an exciting spectacle of blunders, surprises, upsets and crazy goals.
Try the baby pirate ship ride in JP… if you dare… ;p
Azzhar tried the Roti Telur Plastar at ‘Kadai Amit’ ehehe He loved it… kambang :)
Parents went to Madrid… Nuff Said!
That’s all that’s popped into my mind right now… Let’s see if we’re motivated enough to keep updates ehehe…
~luv n peace~ jobe
Posted by
9:55 PM
loud yet quiet, active yet passive, excited yet unexcited.... never understand this girl...
creative, supportive, active, imaginative, positive, dan segala yang -ive -ive lah....
air liur tetap mengalir namun kiutness nya nggak pudar... the youngest H.e member, bulat n gebu, gemuk gedempol...
"how do i get him out of the computer??"