Friday, October 26, 2007
The re-raya.
Assalamualaikum to my fellow readers of H.E. I as one of the active members would here inform that we are about to celebrate or may I say, REDO hari raya again. HAHA. (I should stop with talking all formal. =p)
Anyway, this is due to Muhammad Zunnurain Zaini's arrival to his beloved Brunei Darussalam on this upcoming 7th November. This is soooo kewlll! I mean, we've never done this REDO raya thing. Well, I know Raya's not over yet but ya knowww~ With school and work, no one's being raya-ing. BUTTT!!! Me and Abg Afiq's going to have our Sociology exam that very next day and sooooo...the REDO hari raya would not be as much fun as I would imagine. Haishhh. Oh well, studies come first, raya goes second! BUT!!! I'm gonna be there. Like abg Zun said, 'study in the car lahh'. HAHA. BAGUSSS! Maybe by doing that, I can follow your footsteps into getting good results. =p Anyways, I'll be going now. Taraaaa~ More pictures abg azzz! Weeeeee~ Good day everyone and wish me all the best! By the way, Nurul, if you're reading this, I want the raya pictures too. Haha.
Posted by
2:17 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
some pic from raya
nah guys. ^^ sorie ah.. at da moment busy doing other stuff n too lazy to usai2 it~ anyway.. hope u enjoy it..
first day of raya.
2nd day:
3rd day:
last clip~ ehehe.. :
Posted by
11:01 PM
No title
Good day my fellow friends and comrades. LAME! =p
After reading abg Afiq's post about the tapak kuda thing, I suggest that company's making the packet should make larger packets so we could actually fit the whole "tapak kuda" instead of just a piece of it. Haha.
Anyways, good luck to those who are having their exams. Dani's doing his o'levels, I'm doing my AS while abg Afiq, his A'levels. All the best also to Abg Zun on finishing that assignment. Haha. Get back here soon. Raya still going on and akan menjadi even more happening if you were here. Finally you could taste the WONDERFUL TASTY food that we have been eating for the past weeks.
10 biji kuning telur
5 biji putih telur
225g gula castor
110g tepung gandum atau tepung halus
10g susu tepung atau tepung aiskrim vanilla
135ml mentega cair
1 sudu makan rata penstabil
1 sudu teh esen vanila
1 sudu teh perasa coklat
1/2 sudu teh serbuk penaik
coklat nutella atau pes kacang hazel
Cara membuat
1. Satukan telur, gula dan penstabil, lalu pukul perlahan hingga naik dan pekat. Masukkan tepung, susu dan serbuk penaik. Pukul lagi hingga rata.
2. Masukkan mentega cair dan esen vanila, kacau rata.
3. Ambil 5 senduk adunan dan masukkan perasa coklat. Kacau hingga rata. Baki adunan masukkan ke dalam beg pipping.
4. Sediakan 2 loyang berukuran 10x10x1 inci, alas dengan kertas dan sapu dengan mentega. Tuang adunan coklat dan ratakan di dalam loyang. Picitkan adunan dari beg pipping.
5. Bakar didalam ketuhar bersuhu 180c selama 20-25 minit. Sejukkan seketika.
6. Keluarkan kek dari dalam loyang. Potong tepi keliling kek.
7. Sapu Nutelle atau pes kacang hazel di atas lapisan coklet dan lipat dua kek tu. Bungkus dengan kemas dan simpan dalam peti sejuk.
TADAAAA! Tapak kuda is made! Haha.
-Fifahhh =)
Posted by
10:29 PM
Green packet of the Year!!!
it is raya n we as *ahem* kids receive our ever so deserving angpau. we cannot ignore this vry tradition, it is rude n impolite n not 'raya-spirited' if we ever turn our heads from such a rectangular packet.
Anyways, out of all the angpau given only one stands out....
N the winner is .... Jerudong!!! *clapclap* *pheeweeet!!* *OMG ur so hot 'faints'*
what did dani win? NOTHING hahaha
u all have received the wonderful camel nuts right? at first i thought 'mengapa this angpau ada parut ani?' rupanya...
hinthint - nxt yr tapak kuda ok?.
so u guys have to come up wif something creative nxt yr to win this special award only held at the HE Blog!!!
PS - hari raya to all the cuzzies overseas, sry u guys didnt get the award winning angpau...
Posted by
12:26 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
WAZZAP guys.. ^^ batah dah inda ku post apa2~ ahahaha.... biasa la~~ inda dpt masuk ke dis blog selalu.. ahaha... Anyways.. Right now im at uni doing my experiment on semiconductor. ehehe.. ^^ noting much happening here jus dat.. 2 of my friends sakit damam sama sakit parut.
Batah eh buat dis experiment. hav to wait every 5 min to read the reading. now on da 3rd readin.. n kero-chan(frog) yg inda beranti senyumannya(true u know) yg do all the work here~ im jus menyampuk mencuri reading~ ehehe... >.< CRAP!! gugur ku!! ahaha... ^^ actually da fan gugur~ ehehe.. bagas ambil usb to tranfer pic..... but... T_T inda muat!!! bah.. nanti ta ku upload sini~ ehehe..
Anyway.. ^^ here's the picture during raya time~ ehehe.. :D
Sir Blundell(our lecturer) enter at this point. Time: 9.45. ehehe.. lain kali ta ku upload.
-Kyzr/Azziedius aka new paparazzi~ ehehe
Posted by
12:58 PM
WAZZAP guys.. ^^ batah dah inda ku post apa2~ ahahaha.... biasa la~~ inda dpt masuk ke dis blog selalu.. ahaha... Anyways.. Right now im at uni doing my experiment on semiconductor. ehehe.. ^^ noting much happening here jus dat.. 2 of my friends sakit damam sama sakit parut.
Batah eh buat dis experiment. hav to wait every 5 min to read the reading. now on da 3rd readin.. n kero-chan(frog) yg inda beranti senyumannya(true u know) yg do all the work here~ im jus menyampuk mencuri reading~ ehehe... >.< CRAP!! gugur ku!! ahaha... ^^ actually da fan gugur~ ehehe.. bagas ambil usb to tranfer pic..... but... T_T inda muat!!! bah.. nanti ta ku upload sini~ ehehe.. Anyway.. ^^ here's the picture during raya time~ ehehe.. :D
Sir Blundell enter at this point. Time: 9.45. ehehe.. lain kali ta ku upload.
AGAIN!! NNOOO!!! haiz... now uploading ada problem~ ehehe.. bah.. sini la sja... i'll continue to put more pic during hari raya n me in dis lab next time.
-Kyzr/Azziedius aka new paparazzi~ ehehe
now. 10.15
PS. now at home.. ^^ inda sampat post tdi pgi.. ehehe... abis battery~
Posted by
9:31 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
BirthDay Greeting...
Ucapan Hari Jadi ini di tuju kan kepada Muhammad Zaidani Bin Haji Mohd Zaini yang berada di Jerudong/Mabohai...
Pesanan dari brother mu sorang ani... brabis tah OLevels atu and then ke Hollywood ko buat movies, pastu tani meet up ngan Abg Zay di Mount Rose utk snowboarding session...
Posted by
1:28 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Another congratulations long overdue...
I apologise sincerely for this really overdue congratulations... Well I only got these photos from Kyzr quite late and since ia nda mau post then I will share some of them...
The ucapan however should have been made either ways so again my apologies...
A Big Congratulations goes to our uncle
Insyaallah we can follow in your example and graduate soon too and we pray for your success in future ventures
Here's some photos:
Posted by
6:24 PM