Friday, October 26, 2007

The re-raya.

Assalamualaikum to my fellow readers of H.E. I as one of the active members would here inform that we are about to celebrate or may I say, REDO hari raya again. HAHA. (I should stop with talking all formal. =p)
Anyway, this is due to Muhammad Zunnurain Zaini's arrival to his beloved Brunei Darussalam on this upcoming 7th November. This is soooo kewlll! I mean, we've never done this REDO raya thing. Well, I know Raya's not over yet but ya knowww~ With school and work, no one's being raya-ing. BUTTT!!! Me and Abg Afiq's going to have our Sociology exam that very next day and sooooo...the REDO hari raya would not be as much fun as I would imagine. Haishhh. Oh well, studies come first, raya goes second! BUT!!! I'm gonna be there. Like abg Zun said, 'study in the car lahh'. HAHA. BAGUSSS! Maybe by doing that, I can follow your footsteps into getting good results. =p Anyways, I'll be going now. Taraaaa~ More pictures abg azzz! Weeeeee~ Good day everyone and wish me all the best! By the way, Nurul, if you're reading this, I want the raya pictures too. Haha.


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