Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tis The Season To Be Jolly
Amazing sights in stores across the CBD this season, and I am reffering to the red and yellow tags all over....
Amazing sights indeed... and very tempting...
Its like going to your favourite food market during Ramadhan and smelling all the fresh cooked food...
Might treat myself to a surprise gift this coming holidays... ^_^
Wishing you all a jolly good holiday season, and hope the gym buddies don't get drunk ass on New Year's party ahaha...
Posted by
6:08 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Big Question
I was planning on doing my research today, tapinya talurr ah the library tutup the whole day...
Terbantut rancangan saya!!!
So I went to the city instead since its been ages since I've gone... I wanted to search for the Apple Store that I once passed by dulu but have not found since. Tadi I happened to find two... Dua wah when slama ane saya nada terjumpa-jumpa...
Then I found a bag crumpler store right across the new area of the Queen St Mall...
Jadinya saya lunch tah tarus di city arah an indian food shop... makan the usual but delish butter chicken... masa kena suruh pilih the can of drink... i was going for the Diet Coke, tapi ada Coke Zero jua... 'real taste, zero sugar'... jadi saya pilih tah kan merasa....
The Question Of The Day:
What's so different between the Coca-cola Zero and the Coca-cola Diet? Which one's better??
Saya merasa and my thoughts on it is that the Zero is very jahat... when it touches your tongue rasa the coke and its nyaman but once you gulp it down u get the after taste of a half taste like what u get with the diet... jahat jua tu... it makes u keep sipping sbab ada teaser at the end... atleast with the Diet Coke u know its half ass taste dari awal udah...
Posted by
6:14 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Congratulations to our dearest cousin/brother, Muhammad Zunnurain bin Hj Mohd Zaini bin...Hahaha. It goes on an on. Anyways, when will u be returning again? I forgot. Haha. Mid next year was it? I think so. Belanja di kedai Thailand nie eh, where abg Afiq passed on his knowledge to you. haha.
A short and simple post.
Posted by
9:47 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Fly off again
Ceh time saya kan belayar planning sleepover cha dorang ah... ehehe
Well special thanks to Fifah, Nurul and Adik for pergi ke airport yesterday... walaupun saya ditinggalkan oleh family saya... ehehe they had to go panggilan so nda dapat lama d airport... Di situ lah saya bersama cuzen-cuzen terpondok mengenangkan gadis baju kebaya kuning berseri mwahaha well sorang plang saja tu...
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Fifah suruh c Afiq datang pasal ia ampir so we gave him 15 minutes... datang bebaju the night before... nda mandi lah jawapannya tu... nda ngapa kami rockers... half geek jua... so menalorr lah kami belima cuzen ane....
So special thanks also to Afiq bekarih datang ke airport nda mandi rambut mcm sabut kelapa... and also to Kaka D pasal menunggu so kira ia mengantar jua...
Earlier atu Aunt Yat menelipon udah suruh baby Azharr say farewell nya... ahaha nda kena suruh ikut...
Kami doakan jemaah haji selamat pergi selamat kembali...
Posted by
6:22 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
RE-raya celebratioN~
Yo guys~ ^^
back again~ this time as the title says n coming from me.. it will be da photo for da Re-Raya Celebration~~ well, lets get to the point and here's the photo ^^:
So there u go guys. Took it longer to post.. abt 2 days... ahaha.. was abt to make it into slides using window movie maker.. but too much of a hassle to do all the effects n stuff.. actually already finish da slide.. but den... not nice.. Soo delete it~ wahahaha... Soo, thats it for now. Ah, special tnks to "leong camera-chan" for helping me make the size of the photo smaller~ ehehe..
Ah... soon going for Haji.. won't be posting stuff up till after the Haji and possible after my exam in January... soo... da HI-tea in Jdong photo hav to wait for... err... ^^ 2 month?? ehehe...
Posted by
3:49 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New Toy
Got a new toy yesterday... from the AV Electronics (Brunei's konon-nya "Apple Store")... Sponsored by Haji Zaini so much thanks...
Jadi untuk membuatkan Fifah jealous...
The New iPod Classic
I got the black 80GB model
This is way thinner than my Creative Zen Vision:M
Apple is all about design... It shows in how they package their products jua... Have u ever bought a macbook? the box itself is a bag and the packaging inside straightforward, and unlike Windows stuff, nada packed with so many manuals (iatah c dannie suka)...
For this iPod its designed to be a gift box tarus, sama jua the iphone masa tu...
beautifully carved in silver at the sides
Lets open the box up shall we....
Take off the lid
The iPod is nicely laid out there... so we'll (carefully) lift it up...
Now we'll (still carefully) lift off the covering...
We have the instructional booklet (manual if u will)for the iPod... Kalau saya angkat lagi...
We have the peripharels (including charger/connector, earphones and dock)... We open the manual envelope...
Packed here are just two thin booklets of diagram instructions and the terms of use...
I guess the presentation of Apple is far more appealing.... The only thing is that they force you to buy peripharels which u don't really need but can't help but get...
More updates on reviews and use later on either here or on my miniblog and another toy that arrived(exercise wise)
till next time
Posted by
10:55 AM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Landed fine...
Ok flight, very low profile, few bruneians, got both seats so i can stretch and menalorr as i want...
The flight attendants didn't recognise me as bruneian... Jumpa org yg dikenali, bekawan(sort of) ngan org yg belum di kenali....
Back home in J-Rue-Dong was awesome ass... The cuzzies were there with their pimping hoodies, kyzr with his rambut ikal panjang, hilmz with his rambut siasi, azharr ngan mulletnya, afiq ngan mulletnya, jobe ngan mulletnya, dannie ngan wig-nya...
Fifah sama Nurul were also present despite examz the next day... the meal was delicious, chicken,chicken and more chicken...
Overall it felt good to be amongst a crowd that cares...
The party has just begun... we crash at awangku's house tonight and then at j-rue-dong again tomorrow...
till next time
Posted by
10:20 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
We would like to introduce 2 new blogs from the Zaini family (alongside Mr Physicsbatu's ravishing blog)...
My miniblog where I would post quick updates on what I'm up to and stuff I'm currently working on.... It would be more brief informal quick updates I guess... It'll cover my passions, interests and finds...
'Keep it simple without a pimple'
Dannie mans a latesty-podcasty-techy- advicey-tutorialy- howto-ey-whazzupy blog that is borderline pro, half-line silly and full-line menalurr...
So i'll be catching up with the gang pretty soon and hope to have a nice full meal the minute i land...
Michael Buble - Home
Motley Crue Ft Chester Bennington - Home Sweet Home
Im Coming Home.......
Posted by
2:52 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
The re-raya.
Assalamualaikum to my fellow readers of H.E. I as one of the active members would here inform that we are about to celebrate or may I say, REDO hari raya again. HAHA. (I should stop with talking all formal. =p)
Anyway, this is due to Muhammad Zunnurain Zaini's arrival to his beloved Brunei Darussalam on this upcoming 7th November. This is soooo kewlll! I mean, we've never done this REDO raya thing. Well, I know Raya's not over yet but ya knowww~ With school and work, no one's being raya-ing. BUTTT!!! Me and Abg Afiq's going to have our Sociology exam that very next day and sooooo...the REDO hari raya would not be as much fun as I would imagine. Haishhh. Oh well, studies come first, raya goes second! BUT!!! I'm gonna be there. Like abg Zun said, 'study in the car lahh'. HAHA. BAGUSSS! Maybe by doing that, I can follow your footsteps into getting good results. =p Anyways, I'll be going now. Taraaaa~ More pictures abg azzz! Weeeeee~ Good day everyone and wish me all the best! By the way, Nurul, if you're reading this, I want the raya pictures too. Haha.
Posted by
2:17 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
some pic from raya
nah guys. ^^ sorie ah.. at da moment busy doing other stuff n too lazy to usai2 it~ anyway.. hope u enjoy it..
first day of raya.
2nd day:
3rd day:
last clip~ ehehe.. :
Posted by
11:01 PM
No title
Good day my fellow friends and comrades. LAME! =p
After reading abg Afiq's post about the tapak kuda thing, I suggest that company's making the packet should make larger packets so we could actually fit the whole "tapak kuda" instead of just a piece of it. Haha.
Anyways, good luck to those who are having their exams. Dani's doing his o'levels, I'm doing my AS while abg Afiq, his A'levels. All the best also to Abg Zun on finishing that assignment. Haha. Get back here soon. Raya still going on and akan menjadi even more happening if you were here. Finally you could taste the WONDERFUL TASTY food that we have been eating for the past weeks.
10 biji kuning telur
5 biji putih telur
225g gula castor
110g tepung gandum atau tepung halus
10g susu tepung atau tepung aiskrim vanilla
135ml mentega cair
1 sudu makan rata penstabil
1 sudu teh esen vanila
1 sudu teh perasa coklat
1/2 sudu teh serbuk penaik
coklat nutella atau pes kacang hazel
Cara membuat
1. Satukan telur, gula dan penstabil, lalu pukul perlahan hingga naik dan pekat. Masukkan tepung, susu dan serbuk penaik. Pukul lagi hingga rata.
2. Masukkan mentega cair dan esen vanila, kacau rata.
3. Ambil 5 senduk adunan dan masukkan perasa coklat. Kacau hingga rata. Baki adunan masukkan ke dalam beg pipping.
4. Sediakan 2 loyang berukuran 10x10x1 inci, alas dengan kertas dan sapu dengan mentega. Tuang adunan coklat dan ratakan di dalam loyang. Picitkan adunan dari beg pipping.
5. Bakar didalam ketuhar bersuhu 180c selama 20-25 minit. Sejukkan seketika.
6. Keluarkan kek dari dalam loyang. Potong tepi keliling kek.
7. Sapu Nutelle atau pes kacang hazel di atas lapisan coklet dan lipat dua kek tu. Bungkus dengan kemas dan simpan dalam peti sejuk.
TADAAAA! Tapak kuda is made! Haha.
-Fifahhh =)
Posted by
10:29 PM
Green packet of the Year!!!
it is raya n we as *ahem* kids receive our ever so deserving angpau. we cannot ignore this vry tradition, it is rude n impolite n not 'raya-spirited' if we ever turn our heads from such a rectangular packet.
Anyways, out of all the angpau given only one stands out....
N the winner is .... Jerudong!!! *clapclap* *pheeweeet!!* *OMG ur so hot 'faints'*
what did dani win? NOTHING hahaha
u all have received the wonderful camel nuts right? at first i thought 'mengapa this angpau ada parut ani?' rupanya...
hinthint - nxt yr tapak kuda ok?.
so u guys have to come up wif something creative nxt yr to win this special award only held at the HE Blog!!!
PS - hari raya to all the cuzzies overseas, sry u guys didnt get the award winning angpau...
Posted by
12:26 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
WAZZAP guys.. ^^ batah dah inda ku post apa2~ ahahaha.... biasa la~~ inda dpt masuk ke dis blog selalu.. ahaha... Anyways.. Right now im at uni doing my experiment on semiconductor. ehehe.. ^^ noting much happening here jus dat.. 2 of my friends sakit damam sama sakit parut.
Batah eh buat dis experiment. hav to wait every 5 min to read the reading. now on da 3rd readin.. n kero-chan(frog) yg inda beranti senyumannya(true u know) yg do all the work here~ im jus menyampuk mencuri reading~ ehehe... >.< CRAP!! gugur ku!! ahaha... ^^ actually da fan gugur~ ehehe.. bagas ambil usb to tranfer pic..... but... T_T inda muat!!! bah.. nanti ta ku upload sini~ ehehe..
Anyway.. ^^ here's the picture during raya time~ ehehe.. :D
Sir Blundell(our lecturer) enter at this point. Time: 9.45. ehehe.. lain kali ta ku upload.
-Kyzr/Azziedius aka new paparazzi~ ehehe
Posted by
12:58 PM
WAZZAP guys.. ^^ batah dah inda ku post apa2~ ahahaha.... biasa la~~ inda dpt masuk ke dis blog selalu.. ahaha... Anyways.. Right now im at uni doing my experiment on semiconductor. ehehe.. ^^ noting much happening here jus dat.. 2 of my friends sakit damam sama sakit parut.
Batah eh buat dis experiment. hav to wait every 5 min to read the reading. now on da 3rd readin.. n kero-chan(frog) yg inda beranti senyumannya(true u know) yg do all the work here~ im jus menyampuk mencuri reading~ ehehe... >.< CRAP!! gugur ku!! ahaha... ^^ actually da fan gugur~ ehehe.. bagas ambil usb to tranfer pic..... but... T_T inda muat!!! bah.. nanti ta ku upload sini~ ehehe.. Anyway.. ^^ here's the picture during raya time~ ehehe.. :D
Sir Blundell enter at this point. Time: 9.45. ehehe.. lain kali ta ku upload.
AGAIN!! NNOOO!!! haiz... now uploading ada problem~ ehehe.. bah.. sini la sja... i'll continue to put more pic during hari raya n me in dis lab next time.
-Kyzr/Azziedius aka new paparazzi~ ehehe
now. 10.15
PS. now at home.. ^^ inda sampat post tdi pgi.. ehehe... abis battery~
Posted by
9:31 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
BirthDay Greeting...
Ucapan Hari Jadi ini di tuju kan kepada Muhammad Zaidani Bin Haji Mohd Zaini yang berada di Jerudong/Mabohai...
Pesanan dari brother mu sorang ani... brabis tah OLevels atu and then ke Hollywood ko buat movies, pastu tani meet up ngan Abg Zay di Mount Rose utk snowboarding session...
Posted by
1:28 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Another congratulations long overdue...
I apologise sincerely for this really overdue congratulations... Well I only got these photos from Kyzr quite late and since ia nda mau post then I will share some of them...
The ucapan however should have been made either ways so again my apologies...
A Big Congratulations goes to our uncle
Insyaallah we can follow in your example and graduate soon too and we pray for your success in future ventures
Here's some photos:
Posted by
6:24 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
huh?? whoa... apakn??
Did u guys kno? its actually sunnat to buy new baju melayu for raya... surprising ya? n its always on discount sale bfore raya but not discount when u cut it la... murah kali ah!!!! me n my bro baru putung our baju masa atu n prob we're gonna get it during the 2nd day of raya... kami kan putung arah c Emma cause everyone went there on 'that' certain day but then me n dani ada tia baca a sign arah pintunya 'baju kurung only', so inda tia jadi..
kalau perempuan ke jail, d'org pakai baju apa?................................................... baju kurung
kalau perempuan keluar jail dah, d'org pakai baju apa?................................................. baju bebas >.<
(jus remembered it when i mentioned baju kurong in the 1st paragraph, myb not that funny since im typing it)
I realized i said some unwanted stuff in my previous post so i would like to apologize, sorry... to my cuz in Liverpool, all the best n don forget to introduce me to DK, cause after all, DK's n AK's go well together =)...
peace out
-chiken (thats not me in the pic, jus some random dude fixing the photo-not-so-copy machine, gotta give credits to him man)
Posted by
11:13 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's been awhile.
It's been awhile since i've posted. Adik has been hugging the laptop most of the time, as you all know, Hua Ho di Habbo. Haha.
Puasa has been great so far other than that, I am currently having my exams. Hoping to do well and get over with lower six. Upper six's just around the corner where I hope to do well just like my cousins before me. In a way, you guys are my INSPIRATION laa. Haha.
Oh, and not forgetting CONGRATULATIONS to Abg Zay. Eyaa~ Now you feel how abg zun and kaka zat feels being away from the family. You know, Dani cried non-stop last night thinking of you. Hahaha. Kidding. Hope that you're adapting well there and don't forget to send us some pictures of the wonderful Liverpool! If you get the chance to take a picture of Torres, i'm the first person you should sent it too. It's a musttt! hahah.
Till then. I need to study people! =D Wish me luck.
P/s: Abg Zun, I have some pictures of Azzhar for youuu.
-Fifahhh =)
Posted by
7:18 PM
Ohh people, please watch your language. Don't over do it.
-From Administration of H.E-
Posted by
7:10 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Congrats and Good Luck
My best wishes to my younger brother who has outgrown me in most ways... An older brother could not be prouder to see his tykes go far... U carry forward bapa's legacy in Shell and for that you are to be commanded... Tahniah bro on gaining a scholarship and we wish you every success... mudahan panjang umur murah rezeki.... amin di bulan puasa
Abang Zun shotgun paycheck pertama mu tu ah....
Fortune smiles upon you kau dapat ke Liverpool, where not only you'll never walk alone, but you are graced in art and culture... jangan jadi "Orang Puteh Jubur Hitam" eh...
And my sympathy goes to mabohai family for the outbreak of the "ooo oooo"(pronounce it) sickness... membuat kan parut cni kurang settle tia jua nah... so glad to hear ok dah... Terbantut cha pulang puasa kamu... kesian~
Sehingga kita berjumpa lagi
Posted by
6:58 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Zayani, away!!!
its already been a week or more since zayani belayar dah.. well now org hang out d mabo dah kurang so myb one of our parents should make a new cuzzy to make things more lively, or myb not.. or myb we could teach uncu how to be cool...
wif zayani off, it was the start of a beautiful puasa... or so we thought *jeng jeng jeeeeeng*
suddenly ada tia beria epidamic.. dani ==>Abt d beria ting, No1 rely know apa puncanya, but kn smua urg in d family damam, sakit parut, muntah2. It was freaky.. Sakit bnr.. Even abg zay yg blayar pun kana...ISH3.. abg Azri sakit teruk sampai eeeh malas kn ckp.. Mabohai peeps K.O.. It must've somting yg kami makan or sum1 tejanggit frm sum1.. Lucky for abg afiq ia bru balik dri camping.. so ia meliat gnya betapa sakitnya d cuzzies masa atu.. Well now every1 is fine.. ALhamdulillah.. Gnya d feeling masa atu was lyk WOAH!! Tym puasa lgi tu
Posted by
1:12 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Garfield Fest
I have been slacking in posting big time...
Get ready for a ton of garfield pics.... AND I DO MEAN A TON!!!
My farewell pics with H.e jua ada at the end...
All these pics were taken right before I went back to Aussie...
Masa atu ia tah sja yg kiut... ceh...
H.e members masa my farewell...
The Girls antar Ka Zat...
Ani earlier di Mabohai masa gambar Azhar... Control dude...
Till next time, Selamat Berpuasa.... And Azri, do post the pics that u have bro...
Posted by
8:50 AM