Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beard papa, egg tarts.....mmm..nyam-nyam.....

I am staying in the whole day today...I have this back ache (probably a slipped disc) which makes me feel incapacitated. Babu and kaka Zat went to town to do some Chinatown, getting halal meat and chicken from Ismail Butcher etc. When they got home, they had a few surprises for me.  They brought some mini cream puffs and large cream puffs from , where else - Beard Papa's. They stumbled upon Beard Papa's in Brisbane City Centre Central Station - selama ani inda perasan ada Beard Papa's di Brisbane ani - how sweet! They also brought along a few egg tarts to my liking!! 

(Jester and Jerrinaldo - there you have them: Krispy Kreme, Beard Papa's, Cup Cakes and Egg Tarts!!!)
Fifah, Danie, Adik and all the cuzs: Inda jealous kah meliat yang yummy-yummy ani!

- Bapa/Pamit/Puda

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